We recognize and embrace our responsibility to safeguard human health, preserve natural resources and protect the environment. Sustainability is a strong part of who we are, and it starts with “the green behind the red” icon – a symbol of our ongoing mission to Impact Less. In fact, the more you look behind the red, the more you’ll find green in everything we do.
Environmental & Sustainability Policy
KI has been dedicated to serving their customers, their community, and future generation in a way that will never harm the world in which we all live. KI believes that, big or small, every action that safeguards and restores the environment is significant. KI is committed to making that happen by creating and providing products that advance environmental and human health, social responsibility and economic prosperity.
KI developed an approach which continually reinforces its commitment to sustainable design and manufacturing processes. This approach is as follows:
KI has reviewed all of its manufacturing facilities and continues to look at processes to be more environmentally friendly, including such things as painting processes, adhesives, metal cleaning, finishes, and packaging. This is intended to not only improve the indoor air quality to the end user, but also to address waste minimization, recycling and the use of alternative nonhazardous materials. KI's efforts are aimed at all media - water usage, wastewater discharges, air emissions, and solid/hazardous waste - in a comprehensive effort towards pollution prevention.
These impacts create a more friendly work environment for:
a) the employees by improving the air quality in their environment and removing hazardous waste;
b) the communities through pollution prevention activities of waste minimization or elimination and improved air quality.
Using raw material options that have a positive impact on the environment. While many decisions may be motivated by a desire to protect the environment, KI takes into account the effects of raw materials on land use and substitution, and the broad range of environmental impacts inherent to the life cycle of its products. Materials, where possible, should be from sources which are renewable, easily grown and replenished. Good examples are products made from wheatboard, bamboo, cotton, etc.
KI continues to look into the development of products and product options with the largest percentage of recycled content and those which can be easily recycled, disassembled and repaired. KI continually searches for vendors and alternative options that offer the largest recycled contents utilizing both post-consumer and post industrial contents. KI is committed to the development of products that are more environmentally friendly not inclusive of the manufacturing environment.
Recognising its Corporate & Social Responsibility, KI (UK) has been approved under the ISO 14001 standard and continually drives best practice in this field throughout its organisation.
The certification requires KI (UK) to be aware of and record the actions of its clients and suppliers in regard to CSR and Environment best practice by sending out an annual check to all its main suppliers.
DOWNLOAD: KI Preferred Subcontractor Supplier Questionnaire
At KI Europe, we take a three step approach to sustainability:

KI’s Design for the Environment and Environmental Management policies commit us to making a meaningful contribution to sustainable development goals (SDGs).

In order to integrate its sustainable efforts of safeguarding human health, preserving natural resources and protecting the environment, into the corporate culture of the company, KI will...

This pledge is reviewed and updated annually and is practiced across all KI operations. The Sustainability Manager monitors performance and provides annual updates.
KI Europe is committed to supporting, expanding and prioritising renewable energy. We do that directly and through partnerships with leaders in renewable energy and environmental conservation.

The Furniture Makers' Company
KI is a corporate member of The Furniture Makers' Company. Founded in 1963, it provides support and assistance to those in need in the UK furnishing industry, specifically to students, the retired, and those of working age.

FIRA - Furniture Industry Research Association
The UK’s largest furniture association and the only organisation that provides support to the world furniture supply chain, across all sectors. Jonathan Hindle, KI's Group Managing Director for EMEA is a member of the Council/Board of Directors.

CFAS - Commercial Furniture Advisory Service
CFAS has been instrumental in assisting both European and other International companies, with the launch of their products in the UK and Ireland. The CFAS services have enabled them to reach vast audiences and establish themselves within the UK market with ease. CFAS has always been ahead of the times, developing direct mail services by building upon an enviable database, introducing more publications, evolving the website and online services.

CIUK - Commercial Interiors
Commercial Interiors UK supports and encourages its members to follow a code of best practice to effectively manage all their activities in this area. The objective is to manage, measure and control, preserve and reduce, learn, and communicate. They have a sustainability network that holds two forums a year to meet and exchange experiences and ideas and to hear from sustainability experts.

BFC - British Furniture Confederation
The BFC maintains regular dialogue with Government and other influential stakeholders to ensure that all policies and initiatives support a thriving furniture, furnishings and bed sector. Jonathan Hindle, KI's Group Managing Director for EMEA appointed as the New Chairman of BFC in March 2016.

LEED – Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
The LEED process is designed to inspire project teams to seek innovative solutions that are better for our environment and communities.

BESA - British Educational Suppliers Association
BESA, the British Educational Suppliers Association, is the trade association for the UK education suppliers sector.
Certifications & Sustainability
Together, we believe these efforts in renewable energy and conservation make a powerful statement about our values. And they will help KI to be as environmentally conscious as possible, while making diligent efforts to reduce our overall carbon footprint.

ISO9001 - Quality management standard
A certified quality management system (QMS) which proves the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet the needs of customers.

ISO14001 - Environmental Management Standard
An international Standard for Environmental Management Systems. Managing and minimising our impact on the environment is at the heart of our business as a manufacturer.

Indoor Advantage Gold - Furniture
SCS Global Services is a trusted neutral third-party organisation that works to identify practices and policies that advance the goals of sustainable development. The SCS Kingfisher Certification Mark certifies that our organisation’s products meet the highest social, quality and environmental standards.

FISP - Furniture Industry Sustainability Programme
FISP certification confirms our company’s commitment to achieve the principles of sustainable development in the furniture industry. Focusing on not just environmental issues, but also purchasing, end of product life, social and community issues.

FSC - Forest Stewardship Council
FSC certification ensure that products come from well-managed certified forests, recycled and other responsible sources. KI Europe works with a supply chain that is FSC certified.

Hellios FSQS - Financial Services Qualification System
FSQS is a community of financial institutions, collaborating to agree a single standard for collecting the increasing amount and complexity of third party information needed to demonstrate compliance to regulators, internal policies and governance controls.

SKA Rating
Operated and owned by Royal institution of Chartered Surveyors, SKA rating is an environmental assessment tool for sustainable for-outs.
Committed to supporting British design and manufacturing, KI sponsors a number of initiatives under its KICKSTART programme. Giving back to the community is immensely important to KI, whether it be in pounds, product or time itself - or often a combination of each.
Download Our Environmental Overview
View the most common Environmental Certificates and Standards that
affect KI Europe.
DOWNLOAD: KI Preferred Subcontractor Supplier Questionnaire
Download and read KI's Preferred Subcontractor Supplier Questionnaire