The brief
The school’s £3.5m purpose-built facilities are located on a prominent drumlin in the town centre, overlooking the beautiful Down countryside. Karl Moffett of Moffett & Sons Ltd worked with the school to create the vibrant, multi-colour interiors.
Our solution
Postura+ chairs - different sizes were selected for classrooms and the library in Tangerine Fizz, Aqua Blue, Grape Crush, Forest Green, Poppy Red, Sun Yellow, Lime Zest.
Postura+ task chairs - chosen in Sugar Plum for the IT room
Karl Moffett, Moffett & Sons LtdWe recommended Postura+ chairs to the school for their strength, design, comfort, quality and range of colours. The school wanted each year group to have its own individual colour and because of the vast range available for the Postura+, it allowed us to do so. All PVC edges of units were colour-matched to the choice of Postura+ chair for each year group.
More information
Date - 2017
End user - 200 students, P1 - P7
Project type -Relocation
Project partners - Moffett & Sons Education
Website - www.drumlinsips.co.uk