The Brief
With an increased number of staff working from home and the subsequent reduction in the need for desks, IFF Research, an independent social and market research agency, ended up with a large area of empty space.
The aim of the project was to create a space that would act as an ‘in between’ to the overbooked meeting rooms, and the ‘too casual’ kitchen; somewhere flexible that could accommodate both collaborative group discussions and informal one-on-one meetings.
Our Solution
To meet the client’s needs Sketch Studios, the independent furniture consultant, suggested KI’s Colonnade system. Feedback from employees was collated and it was decided that booths and major structural changes weren’t necessary, and that the Colonnade system was ideal for their circumstances.
Colonnade is a highly customisable, free-standing modular system that uses steel and aluminium components and can support a range of accessories, furniture, and equipment. By incorporating the system into the design of the workspace, IFF are able to upscale and accessorise as their needs evolve, while also being a cost-effective, sustainable and futureproof investment that can be dismantled and taken with them, should they ever move offices.
In keeping with their brand colour of green, the system was specified with an RAL colour of Limestone Green Mat. The softer, pastel shade added another layer to the overall look of the office by conveying a sense of calm and peace. For practicality, a range of accessories were included, such as, bays for TV screens, lockable cupboards, easels and whiteboards, fabric back panels, MFC planters, and KI’s cube stools – the easels, whiteboards, and stools can all be stored within the system when not in use.
The Colonnade system also keeps in line with the company’s culture as it aids in the recognition of needing different spaces for day-to-day tasks as well as encourages interaction in both a professional and social way. This is evident in IFF’s use of the system – whiteboards are used as an informal notice board, while a once empty shelf is displaying the beginnings of a staff book club.
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More Information
Date - 2022
Furniture Consultant - Sketch Studios
Website - www.iffresearch.com
Read the full press release here